Created byHenry Avellaneda
Masonry Gridgallery
Web Design, Templates, Extensions
Extensions, TYPO3
TYPO3 Grid Gallery extension
Add some dynamic to your images easily, by letting typo3 automatically arrange and fit them for u in masonry, regardless of size or format
Use this extension to let TYPO3 easily Resize and rearrange all the images into a dynamic animated gallery. Present your galleries and albums in a modern way, it is full responsive and automatic, easy to use and fast to set-up.
- Add multiple images in a single content element
- Set a maximum height for the rows
- Metadata will be automatically rendered and shown on mouse over
- Lazyload and animation on scroll included
- combines with the lightbox so you can have crops for thumbnails and show entire image on click
This extension is included in the TYPO3 Premium Package
Take a look at the demo of this extension
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